Santa Fe Baptist Church

ye shall find rest unto your souls

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The Great Jungle Journey VBS! 

Join us Sundays, June 30th to July 28th as we embark on The Great Jungle Journey, an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation! Kids Kindergarten through 6th grade will journey through The 7 C's of History, learning about Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Don't miss this epic adventure! Click below to learn more!

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Rock Climbing
Teen Rock Climbing Activity

SFBC Teens, stay tuned for details on an exciting upcoming activity at the new rock climbing structures at the Santa Fe Place Mall!

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Behringer x32
Multimedia Upgrade Fundraiser

SFBC is seeing some exciting developments in our music and media department! Find out how you can help meet our church's needs for this growing ministry.

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Victor Gutierrez
Pastor Victor Gutierrez
“HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD of hosts:
the whole earth is full of His glory.”

Jesus existed as a historical figure. That's undeniable. But there is more to Jesus Christ than just historical record. Join us Sunday mornings as Pastor Victor preaches through the Scriptures verse by verse to discover what the Bible really tells us about that all-important Person: Jesus Christ.