Worldwide Missions
Meet some of our partner missionaries serving around the world.
If you would like to partner with us in supporting the work of these missionaries, visit our online giving to make a donation to the Missions fund.
Aaron Family
Our church had two baptisms on Resurrection Sunday. It was so wonderful to baptize them. The young man I baptized was the one I have written about previously that grew up Muslim. He has been very dedicated to the church services. He has even been teaching some of the Bible classes for the school, using our church’s Abeka Bible flashcards as his curriculum.

Anglea Family
Happy New Year! We pray for God’s abundant and richest blessings upon your lives and ministries this year. Though we do not know all that this year will bring we do know that there will always be opportunities to build Godly generations, service God and others, and share the Gospel with the lost. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! God bless you.

Bruner Family
Amazon Basin
During the month of March, Brazil registered more deaths because of Covid than any other month since the beginning of the pandemic. Now we are four weeks into our second lockdown and not allowed to meet in person. Thankfully during this lockdown, we are permitted to livestream our services. The church created a YouTube account which has been a blessing for our church families and others as well. We have also organized a food drive which has been another means to reach people with the Gospel. Even amidst the difficulties, God’s grace continues to be seen in the lives of our church members.

Carney Family
We covet your prayers for our long-term project of replacing the church roof. This is not one that we plan to do immediately, but in a few years. We plan to raise the walls a few feet when we do the roof. This will not be cheap, but where your prayers are needed most is for wisdom to know exactly how to do this project. Please ask God to increase our faith. Please pray for another project to refresh our parking lot. We need a new church sign and the parking lot needs some TLC. We have to mow our parking lot! We would like to install lights and redo the gravel, plants and maybe some other things. Would you please pray for wisdom for us?

Carter Family
The pregnancy resource center (Juneau Pregnancy Resource Center) is open and flourishing with classes being sent to client’s devices and baby items being delivered to doorsteps. Yesterday I even got to hold a baby of one of our clients. It was such a blessing to see him smile and hear him giggle! It might have just been my face that made him laugh, but I’ll take it! We did also have our Walk For Life March in January. I was invited to be the keynote speaker. So, in mid-20 degree weather, on the steps of our capital, the Lord gave me the privilege of sharing His pro-life position!

Clark Family
During the month of March, Brazil registered more deaths because of Covid than any other month since the beginning of the pandemic. Now we are four weeks into our second lockdown and not allowed to meet in person. Thankfully during this lockdown, we are permitted to livestream our services. The church created a YouTube account which has been a blessing for our church families and others as well. We have also organized a food drive which has been another means to reach people with the Gospel. Even amidst the difficulties, God’s grace continues to be seen in the lives of our church members.

Demarest Family
In December, we were able to have a baptism service and baptize nine folks. As we had been going through the discipleship lessons, we came to the lesson on baptism and a few folks realized their need for baptism by immersion. Having accepted the Lord for salvation, they knew their need and asked about baptism. On December 6, we were able to pick up about 40 men and women and have a baptism service at our home. We were able to have a preaching time followed by baptism and we even enjoyed a meal with those that came. It was a blessing to hear the ladies talking, following the baptism, and expressing their gratefulness about having a church being established in their village.

Faafouina Family
Samoa is still open only to repatriating citizens. They are not allowing travel for short visits, so my plans for going there this summer are most definitely not going to happen. I read a government press release that the first Astra Zeneca vaccines have just arrived in Samoa. My hope is that this will begin the process to reopen the country later this year or early next year. Fortunately, they are free to worship and meet as usual on the island. It was a blessing to hear from both preachers’ families as they prepared for Resurrection Sunday week. It rejoices my heart to hear the church is thriving under the current leadership. Continue to keep them in your prayers as they carry the load of the ministry.

Files Family
We have been doing a lot of research trying to figure out how to get back into Thailand and be able to stay longer than just a few months. Praise the Lord we think we have got it figured out. We are going to go in on a tourist visa which is basically good for two months. Kristen is still doing great. All of her doctor visits have been yielding good reports. Her oncologist has been in contact with the doctor in Thailand that will continue her care to update him on her situation. Her primary doctor has ordered her last immunizations that she needs for Thailand and she should be getting those in the next couple of weeks.

Gilbert Family
We continue to keep an eye on things in Denmark. It looks like they may begin opening back up this summer, but we are still waiting to hear anything definite. Waiting isn’t easy. We really do not like to wait, yet the Lord continues to teach us to lean hard on Him during our wait. When we wait for something, we become restless and impatient, but when we wait on the Lord, He gives us strength to rest and be patient. We have a few more meetings scheduled in April and May that, Lord willing, we anticipate attending. Thank you for your continued prayers for us!

Green Family
We were let out of quarantine in early February. We spent a few days with David’s parents. After that, we began to help the church we started in XinYing again. We are so happy to be able to be with them and see that after our year away they had remained faith to Jesus and to one another. Now we are trying to get back into a daily routine. Please pray with us as we seek the Lord in our next steps of ministry Please pray that the church in XinYing will continue to grow and that the leadership will work hard. We are helping to prepare for a great Easter outreach. Please pray that God will use that to see more people saved!

Harris Family
Following a trip to Kansas for my dad’s funeral, we have made it back to Mexico and all is quiet - too quiet. Where did everyone go? Evidently the China virus has made its rounds through our work while we were gone and has renewed carnal fears, the government demanded another lockdown, jobs and money have become scarce and with the pastor out of town the sheep have scattered. Granted, we have only been back for one Wednesday service but we would cherish your prayers for us as we make our rounds to regroup our people, build their faith in God and with a renewed vision and vitality share anew the wonderful Gospel of Christ.

Has Family
Just about a year ago our family, team, and ministry relocated to our current location. Due to Coronavirus restrictions this past year, our evangelism here in this spiritually needy area has been very limited. Our burden is to saturate this village, and its surrounding communities with the good news of Jesus Christ. A few kids stopped by our house this past week, because they knew that they will find love there. Please join me in prayer for us to be able to reach out to their family and many others. Lord willing, to also be able to start a Children’s ministry here for the first time in the near future.

Hoffmeister Family
We are continuing to work on the language. Language learning can be difficult, and sometimes very humorous. I have made my share of mistakes, and have received many confused or amused looks while preaching. We look forward to being able to communicate more clearly to the people to whom God has called us. Thank you for praying for the safe arrival of our second son, Jason Paul. He was born on April 26th. The Lord answered specific prayers during that time, and we are very thankful for the way in which He worked everything out. My wife and baby are both home now and doing well.

Hoffmeister Family
Trinidad & Tobago
The 19th of March marked 20 years since we moved to Trinidad. As the country is still completely closed we weren’t there to celebrate, but we hope and pray that the country will open up soon! In the past 3 months, we have gotten a lot of diagnostic testing and exams done for Brianna to rule out coexisting conditions and have also continued working with natural medicine practitioners on improving her health. We hear of so many praying for Brianna’s health, it is a great encouragement to us. Thank You!
Houghton Family
Please continue to pray for our plans this year that we have coming up for our camp and kids’ day at the church, that the Lord will work on the hearts of the deaf and kids and will use these events to His Honor and Glory. Please also pray for our health as well as the health of our members and their family. Although we still are having new cases of the coronavirus here in Mante, our church has not been directly affected. We still are under some restrictions, but we continue to do the Lord's work.

Sharron Jackson
Trinidad & Tobago
I thank the Lord that He allows His children the opportunity to serve Him in many different areas despite the many restrictions we might face on a daily basis during to the pandemic which has flowed over into yet another year. The Lord has allowed me to have virtual Bible studies/discipleship classes with several individuals including people stateside. It has been very rewarding to me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity.
Johnson Family
This year we had a one-day youth conference instead of our regular three-day meeting. It was a privilege to see nine young men surrender to preach, and six others make a profession of faith. The following week was Missions Conference in Tequixquiac. The faith promise went up, and Lord willing we will be able to take on some new missionaries over this next year. God continues to work and we are seeing new families added to the church. It has also been exciting to see six people follow the Lord in baptism.

Jones Family
Cocopah Indians
We have been able to raise $48,435! Praise the Lord!! We can see the Lord at work and we are excited! This week has been awesome! We have received over $18,000 from churches and individuals! We recently discovered that we will need to do some repairs to the building before we have a grand opening. We need to do a little bit of electrical work, some dry walling, and a few other things. The building inspector said there will be repairs that need to be done on the building, but overall it's in great shape. Thank you all who have given financially and are praying for us!

Jordan Family
Dominican Republic
We were able to relaunch our door-to-door visitation and soul winning times, trying each week to encourage more to get involved. It has been a blessing to speak to many in the neighborhood who have been disconnected through this time. On one particular Saturday we made many good contacts ending with a young man bowing his head and accepting Christ as his Saviour. Pray as we follow up with these contacts that we can see true growth and change in these lives. Thank you for your faithful service of our Lord and your faithful support of our family.

Joan Kahler
We are thankful for God’s protection and His blessings upon us. We continue to serve the Lord, as there are still many people to be reached with the Gospel, so we persevere in His name. The following is a list of our prayer requests: Pray for protection from organized crime and from the Coronavirus. Pray for the salvation of souls. Pray for the pastors and full-time workers. That God will supply for their financial and spiritual needs. Pray that the Lord will lead in the opening of our Christian schools and the dormitories.

LeClercq Family
We are one week away from flying to the states! As always, the Lord worked everything out in His time, the way that only He can. The Andrews family is on their way to take over while we are gone. Unfortunately, they will have to quarantine in a government facility for at least six days after they land. Please pray for them. We ask that you also keep Minagahet Baptist Church in your prayers, that the transition now and later will go smoothly. We will not get to have a service together with the Andrews due to flight scheduling, flight changes, and quarantine times. We won’t even get to show them around our home, so they will basically have to figure things out without us. I will be leaving a video home tour though, so we are thankful for technology. We are staying mostly central this trip I am afraid, but we will try to have another furlough in a few years when we drop off Nathanael for college.

Marshall Family
Prayer Requests: Pray for Breanna as she begins her senior year at Crown College. Due to quarantine restrictions, she isn’t able to come home during this school break. Continue to pray for a member as he awaits the results of another PET scan to see if he is still cancer free. Please pray for another member as he is awaiting word on whether or not he gets the promotion to become the assistant general manager at work.

Martinez Family
We rejoice in the Lord and keep giving out the Gospel any way that we can. In the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to present the Gospel to four different men in our area. There is always someone to talk to here and there. The sad part of this is that no one has accepted the Gospel at this point. We even have visitors in services that have heard several times, yet are holding back. Lord willing, the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of these lost souls. Our senior saint, age 92, told me last night that he passed out thirty tracts on his walks this week. It is a blessing to have a brother that challenges us all.

Mohler Family
We are truly grateful for your prayers and gifts to for the work of world evangelism! It is a privilege for us to represent you here in Belgium. 2021 promises to be another year of blessings to share with you! The need is great but our God is greater still. We are well into the New Year and God is blessing. The Live Stream of the church services is being well received. Our prayer is that the ban on gatherings will be lifted so that we can all meet together. In the meantime our services are available on line and by video conference.

Navarro Family
I pray that our newsletter would bring joy to our hearts knowing that your prayers and support did not go in vain. We have worked hard for our Savior Jesus Christ, even during this Corona virus shut down. We are secretly spreading the Gospel and working hard in the construction work of the school building project as love offerings come in. I thank the Lord for my calling because it gives me Spiritual Strength to keep me moving forward during these hard times! We are always praying for you also, not to give up no matter what trials may come our way and in the New Year 2021, we need to make a firm stand for the truth of the Scriptures!

Patterson Family
We were blessed to have a mother follow the Lord in believer’s baptism! Her oldest daughter, was saved and immediately baptized that same Sunday! Now, I am giving the mother and father marriage counselling; their three kids take music lessons weekly at our church. My sister Sarah is teaching piano. Bethany is teaching violin. Thank you for investing in the Lord’s Ministry in this part of the world. God Bless You!

Reap Family
One of the members who recently started a fogging/disinfection service volunteered his services to the church at a discounted price. Following the service, all chairs, hand railings, pulpit, bathrooms, doors and surfaces were sanitized before the 5 pm service. This and more are going to be the new norm for a while, sad to say. But in spite of these hindrances and restrictions, we pushed through with our regular Missions Emphasis month in September and had four missionaries speak via pre-recorded messages. Two of the missionaries were new to Berean and as a result we were able to add them for monthly support. All services are being live streamed for those that are unable to attend. I thank the Lord for the members love for missions and their faithfulness in giving to Faith Promise which has enabled Berean to be faithful to its monthly commitment and add two new missionary families for monthly support. Praise the Lord!

Bill Richards Family
Thank you! I want to start by saying thank you for all your prayers and support we are living in a strange time and your prayers have helped us here tremendously. The COVID pandemic has caused many problems for Germany. We have seen church attendance drop since many people are so afraid of public settings. The fear has also been good because it made people think about death and they are more open to the Gospel. I do not know how much longer the Lord will tarry, but we are closer to His return than ever before. Until that day I want to say your prayers and support are helping us through these times.

Seth Richards Family
We have gone into a full lockdown, which means there is a curfew set for 9p.m. and you are not allowed to be outside of your home after this time, unless you have special permission (such as work, medical reasons, etc.). Only grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies are open. If the city you live in goes over a certain number of new COVID cases, then you are only allowed to travel 9 miles away from your home unless you have special permission, and if you are caught outside this 9-mile radius you must pay a very high COVID violation fine. So far, praise the Lord, we are allowed to assemble at church under restrictions: no singing, wear a mask and a minimum safe distance.

Schmutzler Family
Please continue to pray for us as we enter into the new year. If the lockdown lifts on January 6th, life has the potential to get very busy, very fast. Language lessons are tentatively scheduled to start soon (either this week or next week). Also, I will probably begin teaching at New Era next month. Add ministry into the mix and you have a full plate.

Smith Family
Papua New Guinea
Our prayer request is for continued good health for all during a recent surge of Covid 19 related sickness. Our country is in a four-week lockdown with everyone having to wear masks and practice social distancing. All schools are closed again. Hopefully things will reopen on April 19th. Thank you again for your faithful support and prayers in these challenging times! Thank you for making it possible to serve in PNG! Thank you for being a blessing to us over the years!

Smith Family
Oloirien Community “Clinic Chronicle”
Praise Report: Laptops and a desktop were purchased this month. Thanks once again Monterey Baptist Church!!! The FIA meter was also purchased this month. Christ is being glorified through the Christian care and love given at OCC. Prayer Requests: Our Tax situation has not changed. We need your prayers for this unjust financial attack. For the ability to do a mobile clinic in 2021 We are facing drainage and sewer issues this year with the good rainy season.

Snyder Family
Baptist International Missions, Inc.
It is a joy to write to you after we have had many opportunities to serve the Lord on your behalf during the past two months. Although our April and May schedule has not been typical for us, we have been much busier than normal. We are thankful for the family God has given us and for how He is working in our lives. Caleb and Jenna have moved to Indiana to work full-time with Good News Ministries. They will be ministering year-round at a home for troubled teen boys. Kyle and Anna will finish a residency program at our local church in June, and they plan to move to Gray, Tennessee, to join the pastoral staff of Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church in July.

Spear Family
Puerto Rico
We had passed out nearly 1000 invites as a family the week before Easter. It was our first time out in over a year. Out of our two guests for Easter, one lady had come several times and continues to visit occasionally, the other was a result of our canvassing. She lives at one of the last doors we had visited. Pray that both ladies will return again in the future and for others we met to come in the future. Continue to pray that God will allow us to reach young men. Thank you for your prayers and support.