Santa Fe Baptist Church


Sunrise Block Poster style

Join us for a one-of-a-kind Easter service on March 31st starting at 6:30am that promises to be an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with an exciting Sunrise Service, commemorating that historic dawn when the Tomb was found empty! We welcome all ages and backgrounds to join us as we come together to celebrate the true meaning of Easter. Don't miss out on this special opportunity to be part of an inspiring and meaningful service!
If you cannot make it to the Sunrise Service, there will be an indoor service at 10:00am as well. 

Great Jungle Journey Square

The Great Jungle Journey, throughout July!

And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. (Exodus 18:20)

Venture into the Jungle with the Great Jungle Journey, running Sundays beginning June 30th and going throughout July! You don't want to miss these action-packed days filled with fun, adventure, and learning about The Seven C's of History! Each week kids learn a memory verse, new songs, and something new about our amazing world!

Additionally, each child gets to make a craft or engaging science experiment each week, as well as play exciting and fun games!

When: Sundays June 30th to July 28th, 10am-12pm.
Where: Santa Fe Baptist Church, 4977 Agua Fria St, Santa Fe
Who: Kids kindergarten through 6th grade (approx. ages 5-11)

Don't wait! Embark on The Great Jungle Journey by clicking below to register!

Register Now!
Fall Pumpkins

Santa Fe Baptist Church's Annual Fall Festival is Sunday, October 31st!

As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters. (Proverbs 25:13)

Join us Sunday, October 31st at 6:00pm for an evening of music, food, and fun! We'll start off with a brief Singspiration, and then introduce the all-new, first annual Green Chile Stew Cook-off! Savor a sampling of these cherished recipes, and submit your own entry for a chance at the prize! We'll cap off the evening with our traditional Candy Toss where kids (of all ages!) can scoop up as many sweet treats as they can handle!



Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17)

Men, stay tuned for the next exciting event coming up! If you were at our last Guns and Grills event, you know you won't want to miss the next one! Announcements will be coming soon, so be on the lookout!

Ladies at coffee table


Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

Ladies Brunch

Ladies Brunch

One Saturday each month, our ladies gather for a sweet time of fellowship and encouragement. A delicious meal is provided at no charge.

Next Brunch: August 12th, 11am

Register Now!

Teen Thumbs Up


Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Stay Tuned!

Teens, stay tuned for the next event coming up. We'll keep you posted on upcoming exciting and fun activities. For now, plan to come to the Back to School Bash on Saturday, August 27th!

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